top 10 hottest countries in the world


As the sun blazes across our planet, some countries find themselves in the relentless grip of scorching heat. From shimmering deserts to tropical oases, these nations boast temperatures that can make even the most seasoned sun-worshipper break a sweat. Nowadays this heat has become more severe which has made our life difficult. In this article we will know about the 10 hottest countries in the world by Temperature in 2024.

Top 10 Hottest Countries in the World by Temperature:

Top 10 hottest countries in the world are named and why countries are so hot is discussed in detail:

1. Kuwait: The Land of Blazing Sands:

Kuwait ranks first among the top 10 hottest countries in the world by temperature. With temperatures soaring above 50 degrees Celsius in the summer months, Kuwait tops the list as one of the hottest countries in the world. The desert climate combined with the absence of rainfall makes the country suffer from extreme heat waves .Average Yearly Temperature: 82.07°F (27.87°C). With an average yearly temperature of 82.07°F, Kuwait’s summer highs can reach a blistering 120°F.


2. Iran: The land of desert:

The position of Iran in the list of the 2nd leading hot-prone country in the world. The hot air of the desert has made this country even hotter. Iran’s central deserts, such as Dash-e Loot, are known for recording some of the highest temperatures on Earth, exceeding 70 degrees Celsius. The combination of arid climates and minimal cloud cover contributes to the intense heat. Living in such a hot climate is very difficult.


3. Iraq: A Tropical Paradise with a Feverish Twist: 

According to

AccuWeather Iraq ranks 3rd among the world’s Top 10 hottest countries in the world by temperature. Iraq experiences sweltering temperatures, especially in regions like BASRAH and Baghdad where temperatures can reach up to 50 degrees Celsius. The lack of vegetation and proximity to desert areas contribute to the high temperatures. It is not possible to go out of the house during summer. The temperature here sometimes reaches 60-70 degrees Celsius.

4. Saudi Arabia: Kingdom of Sun and Sand:

Saudi Arabia ranks 4th among hot countries by temperature. Saudi Arabia’s vast desert landscapes and coastal regions experience scorching temperatures. The country’s climate is predominantly arid, leading to hot and dry conditions throughout the year. Average Yearly Temperature: 81.77°F (27.65°C). The Rub’ al Khali, the world’s largest continuous sand desert, sprawls across its southern reaches. With an average yearly temperature of 81.77°F, Saudi Arabia’s summers are a relentless assault. Pilgrims gather in Mecca, seeking solace amidst the heat, while the Red Sea beckons with its azure waters.

5. United Arab Emirates (UAE): Where Skyscrapers Touch the Sun:

UAE ranks 5th among the world’s Top 10 hottest countries in the world by temperature.

Average Yearly Temperature: 81.95°F (27.75°C)

The UAE stands as a testament to human resilience in the face of relentless heat. Dubai’s futuristic skyline rises from the desert, its glass towers reflecting the sun’s intensity. With an average yearly temperature of 81.95°F, the UAE’s summers are akin to stepping into an oven. The BURJ Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, scrapes the heavens, while the sands below simmer.

The United Arab Emirates, particularly Dubai and Abu Dhabi, endure extreme heat during the summer months, with temperatures frequently exceeding 45 degrees Celsius.

The urban heat island effect intensifies the high temperatures in cities like Dubai.

6. Sudan: Where the Nile Meets the Furnace: 

Sudan is number 6 in our list. Sudan is one of the top heat-prone countries.

Sudan’s desert regions, such as Wadi HALFA, face oppressive heat, with temperatures surpassing 50 degrees Celsius.

The lack of vegetation and large sand dunes contribute to the extreme temperatures.

Average Yearly Temperature: 81.79°F (27.66°C)

Sudan, cradled by the Nile, is a land of contrasts. Verdant oases give way to sun baked deserts, where the mercury rarely dips below 81°F.

7. Oman: Where the Earth Meets the Inferno:

Top 10 hottest countries in the world by temperature Oman rank 7. Oman is a desert country in the Middle East. The hot climate of the desert makes it more prone to heat. The temperature here sometimes becomes unbearable.

Oman’s desert climate results in scorching temperatures, often exceeding 50 degrees Celsius in places like BURAIMI  and SOHAR.

The country’s proximity to the Arabian Peninsula intensifies the heat.

8. Algeria: The land of Sahara desert:

The Sahara desert holds the title of the hottest desert in the world. And this Sahara desert is located in Algeria. For this reason, Algeria’s name is particularly notable among the top 10 hottest countries in the world in terms of temperature. The temperature here is much higher than normal. That’s why we include this country in our summer list.

Algeria’s Sahara Desert records some of the highest temperatures on Earth, with regions like Adrar experiencing extreme heat waves.

The dry desert climate and clear skies contribute to the blistering temperatures.

9. Niger: A Fiery Canvas of Sahelian Beauty:

Niger ranks 9th among the world’s Top 10 hottest countries in the world by temperature . Niger is a tropical African country. The temperature here is unbearable for common people.

Average Yearly Temperature: 81.86°F (27.7°C)

Niger, nestled in West Africa, dances to the rhythm of the sun. Its Sahelian landscape is a symphony of heatwaves and dust storms. Here, temperatures hover around the 81°F mark, and the sun paints the earth with fiery hues. The air Mountains guard ancient secrets, while nomads traverse the dunes seeking respite in the shade.

10. Australia:

Australia is at the bottom of the list of Top 10 hottest countries in the world by temperature.

Australia’s interior regions, such as Marble Bar and  ODNADATTA , face some of the highest temperatures globally, surpassing 49 degrees Celsius.

The country’s vast desert landscapes and lack of cloud cover contribute to the intense heat.


We have taken these data:


10 Most Asked Questions and Answers (FAQs):

Q1.What qualifies a country as the hottest?

A1. We consider the average yearly temperature over the past 30 years. This metric accounts for both summer highs and winter lows.

Q2. How are temperatures measured in these countries?

A2. Temperatures are typically measured using thermometers placed in shaded areas to avoid direct sunlight.

Q3: What are the forecasts for temperature trends in these countries in the coming years?

A3: Climate models predict that temperatures in these hot countries will continue to rise, leading to more frequent heat waves and challenging conditions for inhabitants.

Q4. Where can I find the hottest places on Earth?

A4. Explore the Sahara, Death Valley, and other scorching locales .

Q5. Is Kuwait the hottest country due to its single highest recorded temperature?

While Kuwait’s  NUWAISEB reached 53.2°C (127.7°F) in 2021, Mali’s overall yearly average surpasses it.

Q6: How do tourists prepare for visits to these hot countries?

A6: Tourists are advised to pack lightweight and breathable clothing, stay hydrated, and avoid prolonged sun exposure when visiting these hot destinations.

Q7.Why do equatorial countries experience warmer temperatures?

A7. Proximity to the equator means more direct sunlight, resulting in year-round warmth.

Q8: How does heat impact the local ecosystems and wildlife in these countries?

A8: Extreme heat can lead to desertification, loss of biodiversity, and challenges for wildlife adaptation in these hot regions.

Q9. Q9: Are there any historical temperature records in these countries that stand out?

A9. Some countries have recorded exceptionally high temperatures, such as Kuwait reaching 54 degrees Celsius in 2016.

Q10: Do these countries experience any relief from the heat?

A10: Some countries have cool coastal regions or high-altitude areas that provide temporary relief from the high temperatures.


In conclusion, these top 10 hottest countries in the world by temperature showcase the extreme climates that some regions endure. From the scorching deserts to the arid landscapes, these countries consistently record some of the highest temperatures on Earth. These countries, bathed in perpetual warmth, remind us of the Earth’s fiery core. From the sands of the Sahara to the turquoise waters of the Pacific, they defy the chill of night and the seasons’ ebb and flow. As we explore their scorching landscapes, let us marvel at the resilience of life in the hottest corners of our planet.


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